Immigration by the Numbers
NumbersUSA has a really good video called Immigration by the Numbers that gives a very good sizing perspective of the impact of our current immigration rates in this country. I highly recommend it.
This blog is dedicated to exposing: 1) Corporate abuse/misuse of non-immigrant visas (B-1, H-1B, L-1, etc) 2) Discrimination against American workers in favor of hiring cheap foreign labor 3) The corruption and backscratching that occurs between corporate lobbyists/industry associations and Federal legislators.
NumbersUSA has a really good video called Immigration by the Numbers that gives a very good sizing perspective of the impact of our current immigration rates in this country. I highly recommend it.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 6:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: immigration
Gene Nelson has an interesting article on jobs and foreign workers.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: immigration, jobs, visa
Rob Sanchez over at Job Destruction just mailed out this newsletter. Not only is cheap labor good for companies, its absolutely fabulous for workers. Therefore we really should be bringing in billions of workers and let the riches flow!
"There is no job that is America's God-given right anymore."
Carly Fiorina, CEO of Hewlett-Packard (HP). January 7, 2004
In March of this year the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) concluded that every H-1B that comes into the USA creates seven jobs for Americans. Not long after that Bill Gates testified before Congress with a slightly more modest estimate that every H-1B creates four jobs for Americans.
McCain just topped both them -- he said that every H-1B creates ten jobs for Americans!
Even assuming McCain, Bill Gates, and the NFAP were right, why can't the same number of jobs be created by hiring an American instead? Hiring a U.S.
worker should create at least as many jobs as an H-1B -- plus one more.
McCain said that the Department of Labor should determine how many H-1Bs are to be issued instead of having a yearly cap. Bad idea! McCain would probably appoint his campaign chairwoman Carly Fiorina to replace Secretary of Labor Elain Chao. BLECH!
Posted by RebornIndependent at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: immigration, jobs, visa, worker
Here is one of Norm Matloff's great articles:
As I reported here in June, the Programmers Guild filed a lawsuit against the federal government, seeking an injunction against the Dept.
of Homeland Security decision to extend the Optional Practical Training component of the F-1 student visa. Though the legislative intent of OPT was to give foreign students a chance to acquire practical work experience before returning to their home countries, in recent years the international students have used OPT as a holding pattern while waiting for an H-1B visa. The DHS decided to extend OPT eligibility from the 12 months specified in the statute to 20 months, in order to give the students more chance to become H-1Bs. PG objected that this would bring harm to its members, and that DHS had exceeded its authority. See
The judge in the case has now rejected PG's request for an injunction, primarily on the grounds that PG lacks legal standing to sue. This of course is always the easy way out for a judge, as it allows them to avoid addressing serious fundamental issues, in this case the issue of the adverse impact the H-1B program has on American workers. But the judge really went through contortions to rule on the basis of standing, in my view.
In her nine-page written opinion, Judge Hochberg claims that PG "seeks relief that no more directly benefits Plaintiffs than it does the public at large." In other words, the judge is asserting that the H-1B program, about 40% of whose participants work as programmers, doesn't affect U.S. programmers any more than it affects, say, American insurance agents, whose profession is not open to H-1Bs. This is absurd.
Even more absurd is the judge's statement that "even if there was a nexus between Plaintiffs' injury and DHS action, the injury still is not `irreparable' to qualify for injunctive relief because it is economic harm compensable in damages." This is downright bizarre. The judge cites case law in support of her statement, yet that case in question involved a worker who had been fired. The court in that instance refused to grant the worker's request for injunction against his discharge, on the grounds that the worker could sue his employer for monetary damages. Obviously, that is not the situation here, as members of the PG cannot sue DHS for monetary damages, nor can they sue employers of H-1Bs, as H-1B law does not require employers to give hiring priority to Americans. I'm sure some of them wish they could sue this judge.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Here is an interesting NYTimes article...
The world economy has become so integrated that shoppers find relatively few T-shirts and sneakers in Wal-Mart and Target carrying a “Made in the U.S.A.” label. But globalization may be losing some of the inexorable economic power it had for much of the past quarter-century, even as it faces fresh challenges as a political ideology.
Cheap oil, the lubricant of quick, inexpensive transportation links across the world, may not return anytime soon, upsetting the logic of diffuse global supply chains that treat geography as a footnote in the pursuit of lower wages. Rising concern about global warming, the reaction against lost jobs in rich countries, worries about food safety and security, and the collapse of world trade talks in Geneva last week also signal that political and environmental concerns may make the calculus of globalization far more complex.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: globalization
This blog is dedicated to fighting the offshoring of jobs to other countries and the outsourcing of jobs to non-immigrant visa holders (those non-citizen, non-resident workers who come here primarily to get a job).
You would think that workers here, who pay a heavy price in lost jobs and depressed wages, would be very interested in this topic. Some might monitor email lists or groups, occasionally adding their 2-cents. Others might become full blown activists, say starting blogs, websites, or even joining groups.
The sad truth is that there is only about a 5% response rate to solicitations. That is, if I send out an email or flyer or whatever, talking about this issue, less than 5% will respond. That pitiful amount is further fractured among the spectrum of participation.
Why isn't this 50%? Does anyone care about their future (or their childrens')?
Posted by RebornIndependent at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: future, immigration, visa
I'm back from vacation and rarin' to go. Anyone miss me? ;-)
Posted by RebornIndependent at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Techs United has a US job loss tracker that shows which major companies are doing the most offshoring.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: jobs
The Programmer’s Guild has started a new organization called Hire Americans First Project here. It is focused on trying to alleviate some of the negative impact that insourcing via H1-B that is impacting the job market for citizens and legal residents. Check it out.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 9:40 AM 0 comments
(Below is an excerpt from Rob Sanchez's Job Destruction Newsletter)
Another great CIS backgrounder has just been published. John Miano's paper follows the one by Norm Matloff last month.
H-1B Visa Numbers: No Relationship to Economic Need By John Miano, June, 2008
H-1Bs: Still Not the Best and the Brightest By Norman Matloff, May 2008
Bill Tucker did a great report on the Lou Dobbs show using material from the Miano paper. You can watch it on youtube at:
Be sure not to miss when Dobbs talks about the lawsuit to stop the DHS extension of Optional Practical Training (OPT). There is somewhat of a disconnect in the report because Miano was interviewed but nobody mentioned that he is one of the lawyers helping with the lawsuit. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for July 7th. Read the IRLI press release at:
John Miano, for those of you who don't know, used to be a programmer.
Because of the bad situation in the job market he decided to go to law school. What is about to happen in the courts is truly the revenge of the nerds.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: visas
Numbers USA got a nice face lift. Seems much more usable. This is a great activist website and makes it extremely easy to contact your congressmen.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 9:52 AM 0 comments
(From Rob Sanchez at
McCain was one of the original co-sponsors of the H-1B program and since that time in 1990 he has never wavered in his support for more visas. It's one of the few issues besides amnesty that he hasn't flip-flopped on. All of the proposed comprehensive immigration reform bills, including the McCain/Kennedy bill, had H-1B increases, but it's a stretch to say that H-1B would be a top McCain priority. However, McCain left no doubt that he will continue to support an H-1B increase:
"We need a temporary agricultural worker program, we need the H1B
visas, and we need an orderly way for someone to be able to apply
for citizenship in this country, in a process that they can count
on, and trust,"Posted by RebornIndependent at 8:47 AM 0 comments
In case you didn't know, Senator John Cornyn loves sponsoring H1-B visa increases. His opponent in the upcoming November elections is Rick Noriega. I don't know if Noriega's position on illegal immigration and visas is any different. It'll be worth a look to find out.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Senator John Cornyn aka Cornhead is selling out workers again by sponsoring three different bills to increase the number of H1-B visas in the US. I'm going to have to go research Rick Noriega to see if he has any sane position on this.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: immigration, visa
Posted by RebornIndependent at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: immigration
From Norm Matloff's newsletter on this Nature article:
One of these new points is striking: In absolute numbers, the U.S. has more top-scoring kids in math and science than any other country studied--by far. The authors point out that it is mainly these kids who become the innovators later as adults, and we've got an excellent supply of them. This is completely counter to what one constantly sees in the popular press.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:29 PM 0 comments was indeed hacked, but Rob Sanchez got it cleaned up and freed up for Google searches. Way to go, Rob.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:50 PM 0 comments
(Shamelessly stolen from Norm Matloff, but I don't think he'd mind...)
To: H-1B/L-1/offshoring e-newsletter
CIS has just published a new article by me, titled "H-1Bs: Still Not the Best and the Brightest." The title alludes to an earlier article I wrote for CIS, in which I had done some preliminary statistical work showing that most H-1Bs are ordinary people doing ordinary work, not the geniuses claimed by the industry lobbyists. In the present article, I present much more direct statistical analysis along these lines.
Here I use a market-based approach to show that:
1. The vast majority of H-1Bs are not of outstanding talent.
2. This is also true when the data are broken down by occupation.
3. This is also true for almost all prominent tech firms that were analyzed.
4. Contrary to the constant hyperbole in the press that “Johnnie can’t do math” in comparison with kids in Asia, the workers from Western European countries tend to be more talented than those of their Asian counterparts.
Please note the the implications of my article applies just as much (actually more) to the employer-based green card system as to H-1B itself. This is a crucial point, as there are proposals in Congress (rumored to be considered seriously by Congress in May) to expand both the H-1B and green card programs--both of which expansions would adversely impact job opportunities and wages for U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
You can read the article at
Posted by RebornIndependent at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Rob Sanchez's great site Job Destruction got blacklisted by Google. It was obviously a mistake but it will be slow to undo and the damage to the website traffic will be considerable. Way to go Google. I thought your mantra was to do no evil in the world.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: jobs
Rob Sanchez has a good article on how the government is scamming Americans out of jobs by bringing in cheap labor without congress.
The OPT program is the worst of breed of backroom deals.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 8:18 PM 0 comments
The third video in the series...
Bill Gates and the H-1B Visa, Chapter 3
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:58 PM 0 comments
So we know that Microsoft cannot get enough H1-B visas. We know that Bill lobbies Congress regularly for an unlimited number of visas. If you listen to him as our Congressmen do, you'd think that our high tech industry is going to come crumbling down around our heads because we Americans (and residents) are just too damn dumb, unlike those whipper snapper smarties that live in all the other countries.
If you want the truth, check out these videos on Youtube:
Bill Gates' addition to visas (part 1)
Bill Gates addiction to visas (part 2)
Microsoft has apparently begun arguing that having American citizens and legal residents lose their jobs due to displacement by labor imported via visas is good for us - so good that it creates more jobs that it takes!
This is an incredible statement. Bill must think that we are dumb as rocks to believe that one. There isn't a shred of evidence that this is true and there is a lot of evidence that there is nothing but a net job loss for Americans. Following this logic, we only need to import maybe another 200,000 foreigners to take jobs, then the resulting jobs explosion will employ everyone (trading engineering jobs for MacDonalds at best).
See an article on this at the Job Destruction Newsletter.
Way to go, Bill. Way to show thankfulness to the economy and workers that made you the richest person in the world. I bet your Democratic parents are proud of you.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: immigration, jobs, microsoft, visa
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: h-1b, immigration, jobs, visa
Re: The Welch Way – Immigration: A Reality Check of Feb 14, 2008
Mr. Welch, also known as the ¾ billion-dollar-man, has a lot of nerve trying to dictate what reality is and how we workers should accept illegal immigration. He lives behind gated community; his children attend only the best schools; he lives in the top of the upper crust of society. He makes no personal sacrifice on the issue of illegal immigration. It costs him no job, it does not adversely affect his wages, it has no impact on whether he can afford health insurance.
Mr. Welch is so far from the reality that we all face daily, he really is on another planet. The thought of this tycoon of industry lecturing to workers is absurd. Go back to your country club, Mr. Welch, and discuss leveraged buyouts and PE ratios with your buddies.
(name withheld)
Austin, TX
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: illegal, immigration, jobs
Here is a Letter to the Editor for the Austin American Statesman that made a very good point (worth repeating here):
Re: Feb. 10 letter “Filling the job market.”
The letter writer said ” thousands of jobs that require technical expertise go unfilled everyday. We require foreign workers on visas to fill them.” In my career as an engineer, I can emphatically say that this is not true and never has been. It is a myth propagated by corporations to allow the importation of tens of thousands of foreign engineers on work visas, which puts downward pressure on salaries and benefits of U.S. engineers and decreases their job opportunities. That situation became much worse in the last 10 years due to the widespread outsourcing of engineering and scientific jobs to India and China and Eastern European countries. There are thousands of U.S. engineers and scientists who are looking for work or are underemployed.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Craig Nelson has an article on The Amnesty Man himself, yes that John McCain, showing McCain's (and Obama's) eagerness to help everyone but American (and resident) workers here is this country. No wonder conservatives are having trouble drinking this very bitter brew:
Most of us agree that it's simply not right that so many Americans, sincerely trying their best to provide for their families, are at the mercy of a phalanx of greedy insurance companies, medical malpractice lawyers, health care corporations, and other profiteers that have used decades of influence in Washington to institutionalize their chomp hold on the public jugular.
What would Americans think, then, of a member of Congress who introduced legislation, not to improve health care in the United States, but to improve health care in Mexico?
Insane? Drunk? Unworthy of public office?
Read the rest here (the blog entry is for February 6, 2008)
Posted by RebornIndependent at 9:23 AM 0 comments
The Washington Post/ABC News poll this weekend asked likely Republican voters which candidate, "regardless of who you may support," do you "trust most to handle immigration issues." The answer will shock you:
47% McCain
22% Romney
10% Huckabee
5% Paul
This is incredible. Mr. McCain has pushed hard for legalizing all illegal immigrants in the US. He was the primary sponsor of the McCain-Kennedy Act to achieve this. If voters do not wise up, he will have pulled off the biggest hoodwink in recent memory.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: immigration, mccain
Looks like the TechsUnited group is going to expand with local chapters across the country. I heard last week that they are looking to start an Austin chapter.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Border Security and Guest Workers Lumped Together for theBenefit of Special Interests in President Bush’s State of Union Address
January 28, 2008
(Washington DC) In Monday’s State of the Union Address, President Bush demonstrated his continued willingness to have U.S. immigration policy dictated by special interests instead of the American people. Stating “we will never fully secure our border until we create a lawful way for foreign workers to come here and support our economy,” President Bush mixed together two distinct elements of immigration policy border security and guest worker programs in what appears to be a deliberate effort to obfuscate a sensible approach to both. Indeed, the President’s statement implies that the government’s only option is to surrender to big business special interests and their big appetites for more cheap foreign workers if we ever hope to attain true border security.
Click here for the full article (originally via FAIR).
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:20 PM 0 comments
The Open Source Activist has a good article here that captures the way a lot of people feel about amnesty and John McCain’s disregard for what the American voters want…
Everyone here in Washington knows that, when it comes to infuriating the electorate, nothing works like a proposal to reward millions of foreign nationals—whose very presence in the United States demonstrates disrespect for the laws that underpin our republic—with the gift of citizenship and the consequent right to have a say in determining those laws.
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: amnesty
(A humorous take sent to me with a grain of truth to it)
Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization ?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Question: How come?
Answer : An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.
This is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gates's technology, and you're probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.
That, my friends, is Globalization!
Posted by RebornIndependent at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: globalization
December 15, 2006:
Engineers stole trade secretsSAN JOSE - Two engineers were moments away from boarding a flight to China when they were singled out for what appeared to be a routine customs inspection. They didn't know FBI agents were waiting nearby, ready to examine their luggage.
The contents, investigators said, were startling: Thousands of pages of trade secrets stolen from four Silicon Valley companies, including microchip blueprints and other closely guarded documents, many marked "Proprietary" or "Confidential" or both. The men were arrested and their homes raided.
Documents seized there allegedly revealed a plot to smuggle trade secrets to China to start a microprocessor company backed by Chinese government entities.
Fei Ye, 40, a U.S. citizen from China, and Ming Zhong, 39, a permanent U.S. resident from China, pleaded guilty this week to the rare charge of economic espionage to benefit a foreign nation. Legal experts said Friday that the convictions - the first of their kind - were crucial victories for federal prosecutors.
November 2, 2006:
United States has the best democracy money can buy!
...Whether the Democrats or Republicans take control of the House and Senate, corporate America has just bought a license to outsource more middle-class jobs to cheap foreign labor markets, to continue unabated so-called free trade and the destruction of more manufacturing jobs, and most likely to promote amnesty for the 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens living in this country.
Immigration And Usurpation: Elites, Power, And The People's Will
by Fredo Arias-King
Foreign Alums cope with visa troubles (from the Yale Daily News):
for Sale: Free training! Guaranteed job placement! Caveat: You MUST be a foreign
student that has recently graduated from an American University to qualify for
this special offer. (I didn't think that the "best and brightest" needed to be
trained - DUMB ME: I guess I was wrong...)
September 23, 2006 - Dallas-area businessman found guilty of wire and mail fraud in connection with scheme to defraud Indian H-1B workers.
United States Attorney Richard Roper announced that former Dallas area resident
Suman K. Varanasi was found guilty on Monday, September 18, 2006, of mail fraud
and wire fraud following a trial before the Honorable Jane J. Boyle, United
States District Judge. Specifically, Varanasi was found guilty of six
counts of mail fraud and six counts of wire fraud, and faces a maximum statutory
sentence on each count of twenty years, a $250,000 fine, and restitution.
Varanasi is in federal custody and is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Boyle
on December 14, 2006.
Varanasi, a citizen of India present in the United
States on a non-immigrant H1-B employment-based visa, founded Zenstra Solutions,
an placement service for IT professionals, in April 2003. Zenstra did
business at 14001 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1200, Dallas, Texas, through November
2004, when the business closed.
According to the evidence presented in court,
from October 2003 through November 2004, Varanasi executed a scheme to defraud
Indian IT professionals in the United States on H1-B employment-based visas by
offering to hire them for a permanent position with the company and, in exchange
for a fee, to file forms with the Department of Homeland Security Bureau of
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that would enable them to obtain
lawful permanent residence
15, 2006 -
DC—Secretary Chertoff told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Committee in testimony on September 12, “We have also fully deployed our
biometric US-VISIT program…” Either he was misspeaking, misleading Congress, or
declaring the administration’s intent to leave a permanent loophole in the
The fact is that the US-VISIT program for electronically collecting
information on all arriving and departing foreigners is not fully deployed.
Information on most foreigners entering from Canada and Mexico is still not
being collected, and the system is only capturing information on a miniscule
portion of departing foreigners. The significance of the enormous loophole that
remains is that the government cannot match entry and exit data to know who is
staying illegally in the United States. In addition, at present anyone of any
nationality who presents a Canadian drivers’ license or Border Crossing Card can
easily enter the country by land with no identity check or check against any
terrorist-watch database.
September 19, 2006 (VDARE)The good news: the Senate immigration bill will probably not be
H-1B is her No. 1 battle
Bush Brokers Deal deal to bring 15,000 Saudi Arabian students to the United
Reports, studies shatter myth that H-1B visa holders are paid same wages as U.S. citizensWASHINGTON (6 September 2006) -- U.S. industry spokespeople say repeatedly that
Programmer's Guild files lawsuits against H-1B employers
18, 2006 - A group representing IT workers has begun filing about 380 lawsuits
against U.S. companies who advertise, in violation of the U.S. law, that they
prefer to hire foreign workers with H-1B temporary work visas.
One of the canards H-1B supporters use is the claim that H-1B is not used to depress wages because the law requires employers to pay the prevailing wage. Yet, whenever the government releases salary figures for H-1B programmers they are significantly less then what Americans make. The following is a real example of how the system can be manipulated to pay H-1B workers significantly less than Americans...Part 2, from Norm Matloff:
Sun, 25 Jun 2006 ...As I've explained many times, the answer to the hearing's theme question, "Is the Labor Department doing enough to protect U.S. workers?" is that there is almost nothing that DOL can do. The law ITSELF is the problem, not lax enforcement. If the law were to allow drivers to go 80 mph in a residential neighborhood, you wouldn't blame the police for lax enforcement, would you? The law itself would be the problem, not the police. The official legal definition of the required _prevailing wage allows figureswhich are well below market levels. In other words, the organizers of the hearing are fundamentally incorrect in their implicit theme that the problems of the H-1B program are due mainly to lack of aggressive enforcement of the law. It is basically a loophole problem, not an enforcement problem. So when the GAO report presented at this hearing says that the law is being obeyed 99.7% of the time, that's an irrelevant statement, because the law is so riddled with loopholes that it is useless...
Dallas Morning News James M. O'Neill: Visa policies rob U.S. of a valuable labor source 06:03 AM CDT on Monday, August 7, 2006
Compete America - See this web page of links to "Editorials" that they have sponsored (planted) in newpapers across the U.S.
Public Citizen has a good web page that discusses Global Trade and Free Trade Agreements
More information about Trade Agreements can be found on the Texas Fair Trade Coalition site
WTO (World Trade Organization)
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)Why should Americans care about GATS? See GATSWatch for more information
Wikipedia article about NAFTA.
The TN visa was created under NAFTA.
CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement)
FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas)