Sunday, February 10, 2008

Improving healthcare in Mexico at US taxpayers expense

Craig Nelson has an article on The Amnesty Man himself, yes that John McCain, showing McCain's (and Obama's) eagerness to help everyone but American (and resident) workers here is this country. No wonder conservatives are having trouble drinking this very bitter brew:

Most of us agree that it's simply not right that so many Americans, sincerely trying their best to provide for their families, are at the mercy of a phalanx of greedy insurance companies, medical malpractice lawyers, health care corporations, and other profiteers that have used decades of influence in Washington to institutionalize their chomp hold on the public jugular.
What would Americans think, then, of a member of Congress who introduced legislation, not to improve health care in the United States, but to improve health care in Mexico?
Insane? Drunk? Unworthy of public office?

Read the rest here (the blog entry is for February 6, 2008)

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