Saturday, June 07, 2008

McCain Doesn't Always Waffle

(From Rob Sanchez at

McCain was one of the original co-sponsors of the H-1B program and since that time in 1990 he has never wavered in his support for more visas. It's one of the few issues besides amnesty that he hasn't flip-flopped on. All of the proposed comprehensive immigration reform bills, including the McCain/Kennedy bill, had H-1B increases, but it's a stretch to say that H-1B would be a top McCain priority. However, McCain left no doubt that he will continue to support an H-1B increase:

"We need a temporary agricultural worker program, we need the H1B

visas, and we need an orderly way for someone to be able to apply

for citizenship in this country, in a process that they can count

on, and trust,"

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