Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Welch Way

Re: The Welch Way – Immigration: A Reality Check of Feb 14, 2008

Mr. Welch, also known as the ¾ billion-dollar-man, has a lot of nerve trying to dictate what reality is and how we workers should accept illegal immigration. He lives behind gated community; his children attend only the best schools; he lives in the top of the upper crust of society. He makes no personal sacrifice on the issue of illegal immigration. It costs him no job, it does not adversely affect his wages, it has no impact on whether he can afford health insurance.

Mr. Welch is so far from the reality that we all face daily, he really is on another planet. The thought of this tycoon of industry lecturing to workers is absurd. Go back to your country club, Mr. Welch, and discuss leveraged buyouts and PE ratios with your buddies.

(name withheld)
Austin, TX

Engineers Looking for Work

Here is a Letter to the Editor for the Austin American Statesman that made a very good point (worth repeating here):

Re: Feb. 10 letter “Filling the job market.”

The letter writer said ” thousands of jobs that require technical expertise go unfilled everyday. We require foreign workers on visas to fill them.” In my career as an engineer, I can emphatically say that this is not true and never has been. It is a myth propagated by corporations to allow the importation of tens of thousands of foreign engineers on work visas, which puts downward pressure on salaries and benefits of U.S. engineers and decreases their job opportunities. That situation became much worse in the last 10 years due to the widespread outsourcing of engineering and scientific jobs to India and China and Eastern European countries. There are thousands of U.S. engineers and scientists who are looking for work or are underemployed.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Improving healthcare in Mexico at US taxpayers expense

Craig Nelson has an article on The Amnesty Man himself, yes that John McCain, showing McCain's (and Obama's) eagerness to help everyone but American (and resident) workers here is this country. No wonder conservatives are having trouble drinking this very bitter brew:

Most of us agree that it's simply not right that so many Americans, sincerely trying their best to provide for their families, are at the mercy of a phalanx of greedy insurance companies, medical malpractice lawyers, health care corporations, and other profiteers that have used decades of influence in Washington to institutionalize their chomp hold on the public jugular.
What would Americans think, then, of a member of Congress who introduced legislation, not to improve health care in the United States, but to improve health care in Mexico?
Insane? Drunk? Unworthy of public office?

Read the rest here (the blog entry is for February 6, 2008)

Monday, February 04, 2008

The McCain Hoodwink

The Washington Post/ABC News poll this weekend asked likely Republican voters which candidate, "regardless of who you may support," do you "trust most to handle immigration issues." The answer will shock you:

47% McCain
22% Romney
10% Huckabee
5% Paul

This is incredible. Mr. McCain has pushed hard for legalizing all illegal immigrants in the US. He was the primary sponsor of the McCain-Kennedy Act to achieve this. If voters do not wise up, he will have pulled off the biggest hoodwink in recent memory.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Looks like the TechsUnited group is going to expand with local chapters across the country. I heard last week that they are looking to start an Austin chapter.

Our Mixed Up President

Border Security and Guest Workers Lumped Together for theBenefit of Special Interests in President Bush’s State of Union Address

January 28, 2008

(Washington DC) In Monday’s State of the Union Address, President Bush demonstrated his continued willingness to have U.S. immigration policy dictated by special interests instead of the American people. Stating “we will never fully secure our border until we create a lawful way for foreign workers to come here and support our economy,” President Bush mixed together two distinct elements of immigration policy border security and guest worker programs in what appears to be a deliberate effort to obfuscate a sensible approach to both. Indeed, the President’s statement implies that the government’s only option is to surrender to big business special interests and their big appetites for more cheap foreign workers if we ever hope to attain true border security.

Click here for the full article (originally via FAIR).

The Real John McCain

The Open Source Activist has a good article here that captures the way a lot of people feel about amnesty and John McCain’s disregard for what the American voters want…

Everyone here in Washington knows that, when it comes to infuriating the electorate, nothing works like a proposal to reward millions of foreign nationals—whose very presence in the United States demonstrates disrespect for the laws that underpin our republic—with the gift of citizenship and the consequent right to have a say in determining those laws.

One Definition of Globalization

(A humorous take sent to me with a grain of truth to it)
Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization ?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Question: How come?
Answer : An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.

This is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gates's technology, and you're probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.

That, my friends, is Globalization!