Saturday, June 02, 2007

Message I sent this week to Robert Reich, Bill Clinton's former Secretary of Labor:

Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:09 AM
To: Robert Reich
Cc: Norm Matloff;
Subject: Econ 101 - Supply, demand . . . and an impending thud

Dr. Reich -
I listened with interest to your commentary on the U.S. market yesterday (30-May-2007) on the Marketplace program on NPR.
As you noted in your commentary:
"When the supply of something decreases while the demand for it stays up, its price rises."
Apparently basic economics must NOT be a factor when it comes to high-tech employment in the USA.
In the last few years, pay for IT professionals and engineers has NOT risen considerably - in fact, it has stayed flat or declined in terms of purchasing power, but the large American high-tech employers such as Intel and Microsoft keep shouting about so-called "shortages" of workers, lobbying Congress for unlimited H-1B visas.
Norm Matloff has written about this phenomenon on numerous occasions. He has also done considerable research that shows that the average H-1B worker makes at least 20 % less than a citizen or LPR in a similar job.
This must be covered in Econ 201...Do you care to comment publicly on this topic?

Reich's reply:

Dear Mr. xxxxxxx,
Please send me a citation to Norm Matloff's work.
Thank you.
Robert Reich

Dr Matloff''s response to Dr. Reich's inquiry:

H-1B is not about "innovation," this year's buzzword of choice by the
industry lobbyists. I strongly support bringing in "the best and the
brightest" from around the world, but they comprise only a tiny fraction
of the H-1Bs.

Instead, H-1B is used as cheap labor by virtually every U.S. tech firm,
large and small. That is what drives things.

For links to some of my writings on this issue, see

Norm Matloff

1 comment:

RebornIndependent said...

Reich likes to sound like he's a moderate, but every time I listen carefully to what he says, he appears to be a globalist.