Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Chamber of Confusion

Rob Sanchez has reported in his Job Destruction newsletter that "U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donohue says that anyone who opposes guest worker programs are dumb as a box of rocks. Donohue was defending Bush's proposal to allow unlimited numbers of guest workers into the UnitedStates to take our jobs."

I'm sure that Donohue really meant to say that many American workers now
have as much chance of getting a job as a box of rocks. Or maybe that
anyone that supports guest worker programs are dumb as a box of rocks.
I think Mr. Donohue is confused. It seems that he has some trouble getting
ethics right, also, as evidenced by the following headline, also from Rob's
newsletter: "Chamber President Tom Donohue Has Vested Interest in
Campaign to Limit Consumers Legal Rights as Steward of Two
Scandal-Marred Companies"

Watch Donohue on YouTube: