Thursday, April 26, 2007

VDARE and Paul Craig Roberts

I read a few columnists opportunistically. I browse a few blogs here and there. But I stumbled across Paul Craig Robert's syndicated columns on VDARE about 9 months ago. I have to tell you that no writer has ever gotten my attention like he does. All those thoughts that mill around in my brain are brought together concisely and clearly in his writings. I strongly recomment anyone with a shred of patriotic fiber left in them to check him out. Here are a couple of columns that are absolutely dead on.

Commentary & Analysis: Economists In Denial; Blind To Offshoring's Adverse Impact

Outsourcing—A Greater Threat Than Terrorism?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Narrow View from Globalists

Here is a Washington Post article on globalism. A relative asked my my opinion on this piece, so I include it next.

As usual, this author, William H Overshot, picks and chooses the things he wants to talk about. He also gets it wrong in many places.

If you look at high tech wages, they are either flat in all areas or have fallen in the past 5 years (Business Week survey). His claims about the workers getting a cut of the profit that the high level managers get is absolutely false for the high-tech industry. What other industries has he been sloppy with?

Its great that prices are better at Wal-Mart. For those who are poor and barely making it, this is a godsend. He claims that this is a 5-10% "effective boost" to everyone's income. What he should say is that its a boost to those who still retain their jobs. In the tech industry, people have lost their jobs due to globalization and have taken subpart jobs with incomes at half (or less) of their old job. If we are going to be thorough, as the author claims, lets be sure to count that %50 loss for these people.

He claims that the assertion that upper managers are getting fat on globalization is "mostly false." Lets put some numbers to that. I believe that the latest figure of the ratio of top CEO pay to worker pay in the US is now at an astronomical 425 or 1. This is unprecedented in history and the closest rival figure is in Great Britain, where its 13:1.

He also makes the favorite globalist claim that globalization is really helping to improve the living standards and conditions in other countries. Well if this is a laudable goal and a primary reason to support globalization, lets go back to that 425:1 figure. Lets scoop off say the top 80% of the CEO salaries and start pumping that into charities that focus on improving the lives of those in third world countries.

The sucking sound you hear isn't jobs be lost this time. Its the sharp intake of breath of The Comfortable who are aghast at anyone threatening the piles of money that they have so rightly earned. It'll be a cold, cold day in hell, when anyone other than the working class fund the improvement of third world living standards.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Outsourcing everything that isn't nailed to the floor...

This is just too funny. Thanks Rob at JobDestruction for pointing this article out. This first line of the article content is

Last month, Lori Danes, 43, called the prayer line of a major television ministry and requested prayer for her mother's persistent ulcers. But her prayer representative, who called himself "Darren," prayed in a strong Indian accent that "all the gods would bless her mightily."

Parsing the Truths About Visas for Tech Workers

THE United States has benefited immensely from its role as a magnet for the best and brightest workers from around the world, especially in innovative fields like high technology. Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft, sounded precisely that theme in Senate testimony last month when asked about the visa program for skilled workers, the H-1B. Mr. Gates said that these workers are “uniquely talented” and highly paid — “taking jobs that pay over $100,000 a year” — and that America should “welcome as many of those people as we can get.”

But that is not how the H-1B visa program as a whole is working these days, according to an analysis by Ronil Hira, an assistant professor of public policy at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The median salary for new H-1B holders in the information technology industry is actually about $50,000, based on the most recent data filed by companies with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services agency. That wage level, Mr. Hira says, is the same as starting salaries for graduating computer science majors with bachelor’s degrees.

Yet salaries, according to Mr. Hira, are only part of the story. He says that while Microsoft may be paying its H-1B visa holders well and recruiting people with hard-to-find talents, other companies have a different agenda. The H-1B visa program, Mr. Hira asserts, has become a vehicle for accelerating the pace of offshore outsourcing of computing work, sending more jobs abroad. Holders of H-1B visas, he says, do the on-site work of understanding a client’s needs and specifications — and then most of the software coding is done back in India.

“Information technology offshore outsourcing has just swamped the H-1B program in recent years,” he said. The list of the top 10 companies requesting H-1B visas in fiscal 2006, the most recent government data available, was dominated by Indian-based technology outsourcing companies like Infosys Technologies, Wipro Technologies and Tata Consultancy Services, and a few other companies that offer outsourced services and have sizable operations in India like Cognizant Technology Solutions, Accenture and Deloitte & Touche, according to a paper last month by Mr. Hira, which was published by the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal research group....

Read the entire article here (registration required).

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Gone in 60 Seconds

From The Orange County Register

It took just hours Monday for federal officials to log in about 150,000 applications for visas for high-skilled workers to come to the United States, more than double the 65,000 permits that became available on April 2.

Citizenship and Immigration Services has closed the application period and will use a lottery system to determine which employers will get to bring in the workers they want. Companies that don't get the visas they want now won't be able to apply again until April 2008.

Lobbyists like to claim that this is a sure sign of huge increases in the limits on visas. But lets get a few facts straight first.

Companies were told that all applications submitted prior to April 2 were going to be discarded and that a lottery system would be used if demand outstripped supply. This is nothing more than a pressure tactic to whip companies into a hysteria so that they can allocate huge blocks of visas "just in case." If this were gasoline, we'd call this hoarding. But because its foreign labor, everyone gets a free pass.

Instead what this shows is that the industry cannot get enough of cheap labor (as compared to a resident or citizen worker). Doing the simple math shows that 150,000 visas per business day means that our vaunted industry's appetite is closer to 36 million visas per year. Bill Gates has argued recently before Congress for unlimited visas.

Just think hard about what that would do to society as we know it.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

To Laugh or To Cry, That is the Question

Offtopic: a paraphrase of what I saw on CNN. This kind of captures the political mindset on this nicely, doesn't it?

We should stop insulting illegal aliens with such a harsh term and instead call them pre-citizens!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

STRIVE bill again

Its good to see that not all congressman have forgotten who they are in congress to represent. Check out Congressman Lamar Smith's view on this.